Hospital Consultants

Hospital ConsultantsFor Hospital Consultants we provide a team who are familiar with your profession whether in public and/or private practice.

Our aim is to provide you with a service covering all your financial and taxation requirements.

Accountancy and taxation services

  • We provide a full service covering all your accountancy and taxation requirements for both your private earnings and salaried positions.
  • We advise you of all available relief and allowances to assist you in minimising your income tax liabilities.
  • We will prepare your tax returns, submit them to Revenue and deal with all correspondence and enquiries on your behalf.
  • We offer a full review of your tax position and suggest planning opportunities appropriate to your circumstances.

Taxation Review

  • If you are worried about your existing financial and taxation structures, including goodwill valuation and use of corporate/ service companies, we offer a full review service.

Specialist services

  • We can review your circumstances and the level of your private fees and advise you on the pros and cons of setting up a limited company for your private practice and will help you reach the right decision.
  • For those thinking of retiring or selling a part of their practice we provide a practice valuation service and the negotiation of partnership agreements.
  • Whether you are investing in business premises, investment properties or a second home we can evaluate your circumstances and provide advice regarding ownership options and relevant tax issues.
  • Planning for retirement is essential for all professionals. Working with selected pension experts we can offer advice and tax planning to ensure you are making best use of both HSE pension schemes and private pension schemes.